Thursday, December 31, 2015

دہشت گردی کیا ہے؟

دہشت گردی کیا ہے؟
دہشت گردی سے مراد اپنے نظریات اور تصورات کو طاقت اور جارحیت سے دوسروں پر نافذ کرتا ہے۔ جہالت بے شعوری اور تنگ نظری کو جنم   دیتی  ہے  کہ ذہنی و فکری ارتقا کا عمل رک جاتا ہے اور انسان محدود تصورات کی وجہ سے گھڑے کا مینڈک بن کر رہ جاتا ہے۔ تنگ نظر رویوں کی بھرمار ہوتی ہے اور تحمل برداشت اختلاف رائے اور تخلیق و تحقیق کے رویے رخت سفر باندھ لیتے ہیں۔
دہشت گردوں کے مقاصد
دہشت گردوں کا بنیادی مقصد ملک میں افرا تفری پیدا کرنا ہوتا ہے اور قانون کی عملداری کو تہہ بالا کرنا ہے یوں حکومت کی دیکھ بھال اور تعمیری سرگرمیوں میں دلچسپی نہیں لے سکتی۔دہشت گردوں کا ٹارگٹ سکولز ، دفاتر، مساجد، امام بارگاہ ، اور گرجا گھر وغیرہ ہوتے ہیں۔
فرقہ پرستی اور شدت پسندانہ رویے
پاکستان دہشگت گردی سے بری طرح شکار ہے۔ یہاں مسلمان مسلمان کا گلا کاٹ رہا ہے، ہمارے اسلاف کا طرز عمل تو یہ تھا کہ وہ غیر مسلموں کو دائرہ اسلام میں لاتے تھے جبکہ آ جکا مسلمان ، مسلمان کو دائرہ اسلام سے خارج کرنے پر تلا ہوا ہے۔ اور مذہبی منافرت کی بنیاد پر معصوم جانوں کو زندہ جلا دیا جاتا ہے بعض دہشت گرد تنظیموں کو سیاسی مقاصد کے لیے استعمال کیا جاتا ہے اور کٹھ پتلی حکومتیں انکی پشت پناہی کرتی ہیں۔
1۔کفر کے فتووں پر قانونی پابندی لگائی جائے
2۔   دینی مدارس اور تنظیموں کی بیرونی فنڈنگ بند کی جائے
3۔پچھلے بارہ سال کے دوران ہونے والے دہشت گردی میں ملوث لوگوں کے نام ،شناخت اور علاقائی تعلق کو منظر عام پر لایا جائے۔
4۔دہشتگردوں کی حمائت میں بیان دینے والوں اور انکو رہائش دینے والوں کو عمر قید کی سزا دی جائے
5۔پیس ایجوکیشن سنٹر قائم کیے جائیں۔
6۔یکساں قومی نصاب بنایا جائے
دہشت گردی کے متعلق علمائےدیوبند کا فتویٰ
اسلام تمام انسانیت کے لیے رحمت کا مذہب ہےیہ ہر قسم کے جبر ، تشدد اور دہشتگردی کی سختی سے مذمت کرتا  ہے ، دارالعلوم دیو بند میں کنونشن کی قرار داد۔ علمائے دیوبند نے دہشتگردی کو اسلام می تعلیمات کے منافی قرارد یا ہے اور کہاکہ قرآن پاک میں کسی بھی مذہب سے تعلق رکھنے والے بے گناہ افراد کو ہلاک کرنے سے منع کیا گیا ہے تاہم دہشتگردی کی آڑ میں مسلمانوں کو حراساں نہ کیا جائے۔ یہ بات علمائے دیوبند نے بھارتی ریاست اترپردیش کے ضلع سہالپور میں واقع دارلعلوم دیو بند میں "دہشتگردی" کے موضوع پر ایک اہم کنونشن سے خطاب کرتے ہوئےکہی۔ کنونشن میں پورے بھارت سے اسلام کے تمام مکاتب فکر کے 6ہزار مدارس کے تقریباََ20 ہزار علمائے کرام اور دانشور شریک ہوئے، اس موقع پر ایک قرارداد منظور کی گئ جس میں کہا گیا "اسلام تمام انسانیت کے لیے رحمت کا مذہب ہے، اسلام ہر قسم کے جبر تشدد اور دہشتگردی کی سختی سے مذمت کرتا ہے یہ ظلم جبر دھوکہ دہی فتنہ فساد اور قتل و غارت کو بدترین گناہوں اور جرائم میں شریک کرتا ہے، اسلام بے گناہوں کو قتل کرنے سے منع کرتاہے ،اور مسلمان کو دہشت گردی کے نام پر ہراساں اور تشدد کا نشانہ نہیں بنانا چاہئے۔
ایک مومن کا قتل پوری دنیا کی تباہی سے بڑا گناہ ہے۔
اپنے گھناؤنے اور ناپاک مقاصد کے حصول کے لیے معصوم شہریوں اوربے گناہ انسانو ں کو بے دریغ قتل کرنے والے کیسے دین امن و سلامتی کے علم برداربنتے ہیں؟ وہ اپنی دہشت گردانہ کارروائیوں کے ذریعے ہزارون مسلمانوں کی قتل و غارت گری میں مصروف ہیں جبکہ حضور نبی کریمﷺنے تو ایک مومن کے قتل کو بھی پوری دنیا کے تباہ ہونے سے بڑا گناہ قرار دیا ہے اس حوالے سے چند احادیث کا ترجمہ :

"حضرت عبداللہ بن عمرورضی اللہ عنہ سے روایت ہے کہ حضور نبی کریم ﷺنے فرمایا: اللہ تعالیٰ کے نزدیک ایک مسلمان شخص کے قتل سے پوری دنیا کا ناپید ہو جانا ہلکا ہے" 

What is ego?

What is ego? Ego is the state of mind of giving self preference and thinking that we are the right persons to do anything in the right manner than anybody else. Many people succeed in life, by getting money and fame but they could not maintain relationship with others, due to their ego. If the ego comes between husband and wife, there won't be peace in the family. Many people want that they should be praised by all, in the family and at workplace. If they didn't get what they expect, their ego bursts. There could be one leader anywhere and the prime quality of leadership is to give up ego. The ego could not get full satisfaction by achievements; every time it sets new target and make us run after it. There is no end to it unless we throw away the ego from us. Ego is unnecessary and encouraging ego is foolishness.

Ego in family spoils relationship. In a family, all the family members are to be treated alike with love and respect. We should not give importance to those who are more intelligent or who earn more. Some persons develop qualities that they should be given preference. Whatever the best things available, should be given to them. They could not realize the family values. The ego is the negative quality that suppresses al the positive qualities in us. If we show our superior complex in the family, the family members will get annoyed and start disliking us. In some families, because of the ego between husband and wife, they would be quarreling all the time. They are spoiling their mood and the mood of others. Many cases ended in divorce and their children are also suffering, due to the ego of parents.

The bondage of friendship breaks up due to ego. Sometimes, the ego comes in between the close friends. What is the use in increasing the number of our enemies? Instead, if we could make our enemies as our friends, the friendship could flourish well. If we could throw away enmity from our mind, the ego will also be thrown out from our mind. What is the harm in shaking hands with the enemy and making him as a friend. Since the egoist person is self-centered, he could not think wisely.

Ego at work place stops our growth. In the work place if there are hundred persons working, one person may be more brilliant and he may be consulted by boss, while making important decisions. He should not feel that he is very great and treat others at low level. Even the boss should leave his ego and join hands with the workers, to get good outturn. The ego causes many miseries in life. The egoist person invites troubles and if he didn't get the attention he needs, he starts developing all sorts of grudge against others. The egoist person sees everything with the magnifying glass and often finds fault with others.

Why people become egoist? Some people feel that they have reached a high position because of their family status or money or fame and they see all other relatives and friends as inferior. The egoist person, all the time loves himself and forget to love others. Getting success and fame are really good. But, we should learn to accept these calmly, shredding our ego. The awareness about others is very much important. Just like a new born baby, we should try to understand others with open heart. We should not be a problem to the society and we should become a part of the society by giving up our ego. The self-centered person could not move well with others. Some persons feel that others should come to them and talk first, while meeting in a public place. If both of them have got the ego, there won't be a meeting between them.

How to shred ego? Some people are clever in understanding the ego of others but they would be thinking that they are more humble. An egoist person could not help another egoist person to shred ego. If we could solve our problems, they only we could help others. Showing unconditional love to others is the first step to shred ego. By constant practice, we should find out in what ways we show our ego and take steps to remove ego from our mind step by step. We should minimize usage of the words -I- and -myself-, in our speech. We should come out from the self-centered circle and enter the world where we could share everything with others.
keep reading

Students are the backbone of Pakistan

Students are the backbone of Pakistan
Students of any nation can turn the condition of that state, and when we are talking about Pakistan this statement becomes more strengthen and even more powerful, this is because Pakistan is a country which is overloaded with youth as it is being recorded that almost 68% of the total population of Pakistan falls in the age group of 16 till 26 and that is age in which the individual is a student.
Modern condition of Pakistan is not as brighter as it should be but it can be even much better in the future if the students of our country stand up and recognized their responsibility. It is the time that the students of our country should come forward and play their vital role in the upbringing of the Country. This doesn’t means that through this we are encouraging the students to get in to the politics but they should deploy themselves in all the fields of society and should promise to make the system of our country one of the best in the entire world.
This present age is known as the age of modernization of Information and technology, so the students of our country should penetrate in the field of information and technology so that they can play their part in making Pakistan one of the leading countries in the field of IT. Medical facilities in Pakistan are not that modernized and technical and for that purpose several dangerous diseases are not cured here and the people of our country have to move to various countries for the proper treatment. So my advice to our students is that make the commitment with yourself that you will strive in the field of Allopathic and Homeopathic so that you can be those Pakistani doctors who can treat our people in our own homeland. Another very common thinking is prevailing and developing in the students of our country is that they will study here and then will go abroad for higher studies and then will settle in those developing countries because future in Pakistan is not as charming and bright as it is in other countries. This approach is the most negative and unhealthy approach and we being Pakistani should condemn it at every level. The students should go abroad if they want to acquire higher education which is not available in our country but before going they should make a promise to their land and to themselves that they will surely come back and will serve in Pakistan so that they can contribute their part in the success and development of the country.
Youth comprises the major portion of the demography in Pakistan. An educated and well informed youth can revive the present state of restlessness in the country. However, we shall explain the youth role towards a peaceful and tolerant society in an elaborate manner. It follows a hierarchical procedure in order to trigger, implement and then maintain a desired state of mind among the people. Theory without practice is of little use. Change and innovation needs to be implemented at the grass root level for sufficient and desirable outcomes.
Foremost of all youth should avail their right to vote, which can and certainly will bring a desired change with their huge power in term of population and strength, in the political and social arena. They should make an active use of their civic rights like freedom of speech, form groups for certain national interests; attend to conferences, use Internet, avail the press, radio and television, by offering an article or feature in the newspapers, holding press conferences, distributing hand-outs for sharing their particular point of view among others, and should report on the problems facing the nation in an objective manner with responsibility. Youth should get motivated to becoming part of commissions and participate in youth action plans; which will give a vent to the voice of the youth in an effective manner. Such forums can help in policy making specifically for the youth betterment and in general for public welfare. Consequently, a society built on the needs, wants and demands of its majority populace will be a justice provoking and tolerant one in kind.
Consequently, students have miraculous capabilities; which if availed in an optimum fashion can help attain a course of success, prosperity and progress. Youth in Pakistan, specially the privileged, educated and well-informed part of the society; through all measures can shun intolerance and help prevail peace and prosperity in the society.

Honesty Pays like nothing else

Honesty Pays like nothing else
Honesty refers to the quality of being honest, truthful and sincere. An honest man is fearless and courageous. He does not bow his head before others. He can face any situation in life with courage and confidence. Thus honesty is the best policy.
Honesty is one of the good qualities. An honest behavior means a behavior which is free from cheat and deceit. Honesty is based on truthfulness. It is free from all kinds of evil motive.
It is said, “Honesty is the best policy”. Because if we are honest people will believe us. They will give value to our words and dealings. An honest shop-keeper will fetch more customers than a dishonest shop-keeper. A dishonest shop-keeper may be profited by cheating some people for some time. So, an honest man prospers while a dishonest man falls down. The honest man respected by all. They have a good position in the society. The honest men fare in all walks of life. So, it is said that honesty is the best policy.
Honesty has certain limitations. We can deal honesty only with the honest people. But we will be troubled, if we deal honesty with the dishonest people. So, there is a saying, “tit for tat”. Dishonesty should be met with dishonesty. To deal honestly with the dishonest people may be very idealistic. But it is not practicable. It is quite impracticable. But one should be honest as far as possible in the modern society. Because modern Indian society is the society of black-marketing, hoarding, profiteering, adulterant, cheating, deceiving and defrauding Mud-slinging and leg-pulling are the order of the day.
Honesty is a virtue. If all people become honest, then our society will be an ideal society. The students should try to become honest in their day-to-day life. Because the students are the future of the country. Hence, they are expected to build an honest society for themselves and to leave a tradition of honesty for their future generation.
 I will stay honest, no matter what circumstances prevail. Ethics are number one on my list. Gradually reason ability led to even disprove my affirmation of this adage. Some circumstances call for bit sunniness such as the scientific field along with the medical field. Its patient confidentiality and scientific experiments that one must keep secret. Just common everyday activities, that one must have self control upon. How did I bump upon this understanding at such a tender age? Before I was even a volunteer at the hospital, or before I even had to deal with such worries of legality, versus morality.
A dishonest man may have some advantage for the time being. But he soon realizes his mistakes. A dishonest man is a curse to society. He ruins the whole system of society. Such a person should be punished. Even God is unhappy with him. So we should always believe in the saying, “Honesty pays like nothing else”.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Removing Shortcut virus from any storage media

OOOhhhh!! most common problem now a days faced by every computer user.
Now a day’s Pen drives and Memory cards are the most used devices to transfer data such as movies , songs , documents etc but often  storage devices are infected by shortcut virus. If you connect your infected Pen drive to your system it will show files and folders having shortcuts. And in case you open the shortcut fie or folder it would infect your whole system badly.
This post will help you to remove shortcut virus from pendrive/USB and Memory card and recover the files.  To remove the shortcut virus use the following steps.
Do not open the shortcut file or folder otherwise the virus could infect your system.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

#ParisAttacks — Anonymous declares War against ISIS: 'We will Hunt you Down!'

Where every one is expressing his views and giving their negative feedback against ISIS ,  Following the bloody terror attacks in Paris where over 130 people were killed, the hacktivist collective Anonymous has declared total war against the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

Anonymous released a video message, posted in French, on YouTube Sunday announcing the beginning of#OpParis, a coordinated campaign to hunt down ISIS's social media channels and every single supporter of the jihadist group online.
The combat mission #OpParis was announced as revenge for the recent ISIS terror attacks that took place in Paris on Friday, November 13, 2015.

Anonymous to ISIS: 'We will Hunt you Down!'

Behind its signature Guy Fawkes mask, the group’s spokesperson speaking in French said, "Anonymous from all over the world will hunt you down. Expect massive cyber attacks. War is declared. Get prepared."
"You should know that we will find you, and we will not let you go. We will launch the biggest operation ever against you," the Anonymous spokesperson added. "The French people are stronger than you and will come out of this atrocity even stronger."
Under the #OpISIS online campaign, Anonymous members have been defending French cyber-borders following the Charlie Hebdo massacre in January. In #OpISIS, the group hacked, defaced, unmasked, and reported thousands of ISIS Twitter accounts.

Now, expect the same thing to happen again. In a separate tweet, the group posted a video message saying:
"We are upping our game, you will now be hit by major cyber attacks, I will be speaking to all the most prominent #OpIceISIS teams and supporters such as @TheBinarySec, @CtrlSec, @OpIceISIS and we will work together to take down all ISIS cyber communications and your accounts, haha good luck with keeping them."

More than 1000 ISIS Twitter Accounts Leaked

More interestingly, the group has allegedly leaked a list of almost 1000 ISIS Twitter accounts in #OpParis.
The social network giant Facebook on Friday the 13th deleted an Anonymous group page, which has been exposing and reporting social media accounts linked to pro-ISIS, as well as banned all its administrators, without giving any prior warning.

The company said that the existence of the group was a "violation of Facebook Terms of Service and Community Standards."

Friday, November 13, 2015

How to Regrow Hair on Bald Head – Powerful Natural Solutions

Excessive hair loss causes bald patches on your head, receding hairline and sometimes complete baldness.It can be deeply distressing and can make your feel awkward.It can negatively impact one’s self-esteem, appearance, youth, and vitality.
Hectic work life, poor lifestyle, use of hair styling methods and gels, hair colors, lack of nutrition, hormonal imbalance and improper care and attention towards the hair are some of the major factors contribute to baldness.However, there are a few natural cures and treatments to tackle all sorts of hair problems and help regrow hair on bald head or on a bald patch naturally.Each of these remedies that have been shared below are personally tested by me.In the below image, if you look at my front hairline, you can see a big difference.

Who Viewed your FB profile

Everyone likes to know who has visited their Facebook profile.Whether the person maybe a boy or a girl, they tend to have a desire to find out who has visited their Facebook profile as they are filled with these common questions- “Whether my crush checks my profile?” , “Which girl/Boy always views my profile?” and so on… But i have seen many people trying to use 3rd party software which produce appropriate results are just spams.  You can’t determine who exactly is looking at your profile on a regular basis, you can determine who you interact with the most and who Facebook thinks your closest friends are. If you find someone in the listthat you don’t interact with them often, they may be expressing interest in your status updates (with likes, comments, or views). Follow these simple steps and you are done.

How to hack WhatsApp account???

WhatsApp is currently one of the most secure messaging services purely because it works with a particular phone number and requires a certain code. In my today’s article I am going to describe a few methods to hack WhatsApp account. Yes guys, it’s no more a myth. You can actually get access to someone else’s WhatsApp account. If you always wanted to know what your boyfriend/husband or girlfriend/wife or friend talks to on WhatsApp then you are at the right place. There are loads of other websites that claim they can hack WhatsApp account, all of them are false. None of those tricks work and actually it is nothing but just a waste of time. The methods that I am going to depict will surely help you in getting access of someone else’s whatsApp account. So people, lets get started now.


Compress 1 GB File into 10 MB Using KGB Archiver

Imagine that situation when your PC’s hard disk is full and want to store more files but don’t want to delete a single file from your hard disk , then what to do? In this situation all you have to do just compress all big files. Not only this reason there are several reasons when we need to compress the big files. Actually, compressing a file means decrease the size of a file without losing a single system file from it. So if you faced problem with your big sized files and want to compress it in small size but don;’t know how then read this article because today in this article we are going to show you how to compress 1 GB files into 10 MB using KGB archiver.
There are hundreds of software’s are on internet, through which you can compress the files and decrease their size but majorities are fake or had a virus on it. One of them is WinRAR, this tool can compress our file by 10% and it will decrease the size of our files by 10% (Maximum). So in this case KGB archiver is the best option to compress any big file because this tool can compress any file up to 90%.

8 Common Programming Mistakes

Here is a List of some common programming mistakes which are mainly faced by the beginners.

1. Undeclared Variables: Before compiling the program or even writing the program we should carefully monitor that the variables we're using are already declared or not. The Compiler didn't understand the variables itself. we have to declare them before compiling

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Top Five Best Operating Systems

1.Microsoft Windows 7
Windows 7 is the best OS from Microsoft I have ever experienced... 
Easy to install... Crash free... Fabulous Graphics Support for HQ Games.. And more...
Windows Vista is the worst OS from Microsoft...
Very simple to install and better UI also best security.
Very good themes.
Less virus detector... And fabulous display... Maximum features And many more
Super and fast loading

Sunday, October 4, 2015


Three days ago I finished the series on Gmail Session Hijacking and Cookie Stealing , due to a tremendous response of readers I planned to write a post on Facebook cookie stealing and Session hijacking. Facebook session hijacking can also be accomplished via a very popular tool called Firesheep(On a Wifi Network Only), which I won't be explaining here because I have already written it before in my post Facebook Hacking Made Easy With Firesheep
In this tutorial I will explain you how an attacker can capture your authentication cookies on a local area network and use them to hack your facebook account, Before reading this tutorial I would recommend you to part1, part2 and part 3 of my Gmail Session Hijacking and Cookie stealing series, So you could have better understanding of what I am doing here.
Gmail Cookie Stealing And Session Hijacking Part 1
Gmail Cookie Stealing And Session Hijacking Part 2
Gmail Cookie Stealing And Session Hijacking Part 3
Facebook Authentication Cookies
The cookie which facebook uses to authenticate it's users is called "Datr", If an attacker can get hold of your authentication cookies, All he needs to do is to inject those cookies in his browser and he will gain access to your account. This is how a facebook authentication cookie looks like:
Cookie: datr=1276721606-b7f94f977295759399293c5b0767618dc02111ede159a827030fc;
How To Steal Facebook Session Cookies And Hijack An Account?
An attacker can use variety of methods in order to steal your facebook authentication cookies depending upon the network he is on, If an attacker is on a hub based network he would just sniff traffic with any packet sniffer and gain access to victims account.
If an attacker is on a Switch based network he would use an ARP Poisoning request to capture authentication cookies, If an attacker is on a wireless network he just needs to use a simple tool called firesheep in order to capture authentication cookie and gain access to victims account.
In the example below I will be explaining how an attacker can capture your authentication cookies and hack your facebook account with wireshark.
Step 1 - First of all download wireshark from the official website and install it.
Step 2 - Next open up wireshark click on analyze and then click on interfaces.
Step 3 - Next choose the appropriate interface and click on start.
Step 4 - Continue sniffing for around 10 minutes.
Step 5 - After 10minutes stop the packet sniffing by going to the capture menu and clicking on Stop.
Step 6 - Next set the filter to http.cookie contains “datr” at top left, This filter will search for all the http cookies with the name datr, And datr as we know is the name of the facebook authentication cookie.
Step 7 - Next right click on it and goto Copy - Bytes - Printable Text only.
Step 7 - Next right click on it and goto Copy - Bytes - Printable Text only.
Step 8 - Next you’ll want to open up firefox. You’ll need both Greasemonkey and the cookieinjector script. Now open up and make sure that you are not logged in.
Step 9- Press Alt C to bring up the cookie injector, Simply paste in the cookie value into it.
Step 10 - Now refresh your page and viola you are logged in to the victims facebook account.
Note: This Attack will only work if victim is on a http:// connection and even on https:// if end to end encryption is not enabled.
remember me in prayers!!!
Usman Nadeem Rai