Sunday, October 25, 2015

Top Five Best Operating Systems

1.Microsoft Windows 7
Windows 7 is the best OS from Microsoft I have ever experienced... 
Easy to install... Crash free... Fabulous Graphics Support for HQ Games.. And more...
Windows Vista is the worst OS from Microsoft...
Very simple to install and better UI also best security.
Very good themes.
Less virus detector... And fabulous display... Maximum features And many more
Super and fast loading
2.Windows 8
This is lovely
This is friendly
This is fastest
This is best
All at once it must be on top
Fastest Microsoft operating system yet. It has more security features and adds an extra twist and extra compatibility to Windows.M+373
It is nice... 
Best than window 7
Ubuntu is a mixture of Windows and Macintosh. Looks like mac but shortcut keys is similar to windows. Great work. I love itM+555
They should sell computers with Ubuntu pre-installed! 
I really like the OS, but the thing that so bad is that it uses java iced tea and not java sun
But much better than windows Vista
It really rock me. Windows os gets nothing. Haha sorry to all windows usersM+319
No drivers needed for plugging hardware, such as printers. The size is small and fast.
4.Windows 8.1
It is just awesome. It has the start button back, you can boot to the desktop, the start screen can be personalized in more ways with more tile sizes, group naming, more apps and more. The store has apps and a better look. Has a more "metro" control panel and more. IT IS GOT TO BE THE BEST OS FROM MICROSOFTM+158
A great replacement for those who hate windows 8. It is sure to be a success as it has been seen in the past!, Its preview ain't that much but what is instore is awesome!M+117
It's cool! Microsoft included a new way of personalizing, customizing and searching!.. It's free on the web!.. Try download it, and experience the "SMARTEST" version of OS that Microsoft have ever created!.. -)M+108
Win. 7 is just like cow dunk
5.Windows XP Professional
This is all time favorite.. None other than Windows XPM+345
Why though. It's from the early 2000's and was very virus prone, and quite low performance.M+3
Hey it's Really good because it is easy to learn & install & also it fast than other OSM+270
Best hacker-friendly operating system out there. You may say windows 7 is better, but it is that windows 7 is a mix of XP and vista together. So after all, windows XP is best OS, windows related.M+254
Best start menu and neatly organized
6.Linux Mint
First of all "Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon" is "Free" Operating System
1)"Linux Mint Cinnamon 15" is better than "Ubantu 13.04"
2) It is best Operating System I ever used in my Life
3) It is very fast, very user friendly (Like "Windows 7"), Most secure OS
4) Inbuilt NVDIA/ATI Graphics Drivers (No need to install any drivers)
5) It is fully loaded with all software and even it also support Internet Graphics, Audio-Video and Bluetooth connectivity without manually installing any drivers
5) It works great with both Desktops and Laptops
6) Very Stable Operating System
7) Extremely great Graphics (Like MAC-OS), Themes
8) Full Multimedia Support for High Definition movies, High Graphics Games
9) Great Package Manager all softwares are available in that Package Manger Center
10) Inbuilt (VLC) Video LAN Player
11) Libre Office is best but also support Microsoft Office via PlayOnLinux Software (For those who has ...more
Fast and secure, it has everything I want and everything anyone should really need. If you can't find it in mint, it probably doesn't exist.M+118
Mint is a easy to use operating system based on linux, reliable and great for new users. Based on ubuntu, there is a lot of software available on it
Look likes dog poo
7.Macintosh OSX
By far one of the easiest operating systems to learn for a complete beginner (although switching from windows has a slight learning curve). Ideal for the artist and everyday user, the Mac OS is a personal favourite. The fact that it's unix based makes it quite similar to linux with very similar terminal commands. The only downside to Mac OS is the small range of games and the high price of the Macintosh computer required to run Mac OS XM+145
Unfair to classify OSX as a single stand-alone OS and compare it to Windows as a long list of very different systems from 3.1 to whatever they're doing this week. OSX is a variant of Unix based on FreeBSD which is in turn based on BSD that predates MSDOS by a decade (~) by my recollection. Microsoft should join the rest of the world and help create a unified OS core such that each variant merely offers their own "flavoured" shell. Windows was nothing but a menu system for MSDOS. A Unified system would solve many of the problems of writing code for all computers to use.M+88
Em, with respect, the person who wrote the paragraph staring "Yea the whole reason why macs never get viruses... ' knows nothing at all about Macs. As someone who has been using them for over 25 years (alongside Windows and Linux) I DO! So, you can only do "graphic arts, music, design and so forth..."? Actually these days you can do whatever you want on a Mac and in a far simpler, more logical way than you can in Windows. And faster. This person is living in the past and has obviously not used a Mac recently. You CAN play games on them brilliantly! Or perhaps I am imagining that?
As for users having to "run to the Apple Store because they don't know squat on how to resolve the issue", that's totally inaccurate as well. I fix all my Macs if they go wrong (which they hardly ever do). I still have a 16 year old Bondi iMac that runs OS X and has never caused me a day's trouble. A bit slow now, of course, but my point is I've never had a Windows machine for ...more
Mac OSX is worthy of number 1 or 2 (maybe behind) NOT NUMBER 7! This OS has been a trail blazer for MANY YEARS and will continue to do so! This OS has got great design aesthetics compared to its rivals Windows and Linux. Those who dislike Mac are to busy caught up in the world of "well Mac is so Expensive"... Yeah that may be true but with cost comes great quality. Mac harness' the thing which Windows and Linux still haven't got a hold of - Simplicity with the opportunity to have complexity when it is needed. Yes, if you are a gamer, mac may not be for you but if you are a student, a businessman, a programmer, a designer, a musician, a internet surfer or anyone else, MAC OS X IS right for you. The only advantages with windows is the fact that it is widely used so many know how to use it (but Mac is so simple to use regardless)
What about Chrome OS?
Not the same as android
In a year it will be the number 3 OS
Yeah but chrome does seem to be the most used web browser in the worldM+2
Android 4.1 is a fairly stale operating system with great customization options. Fun withgets will light your way into a a very interesting society, where you control everything. I would recommend this operating system in a heartbeat!M+98
Android is definitely the best operating system because it is an upcoming fairly new OS that is very simple and is very safe in the way of virus protection and speed.M+37
Easy to use and understood by any new user...
9.Windows XP
The best operating system I have ever used, thanks to microsoft,M+132
It is best fastest operating system ever. It's better than windows 8M+99
This is the best for me ever seen...M+98
Windows XP is THE best OS from Microsoft
10.           Fedora
The greatest! Does not crash. FREE. All services built in - web server (apache, php sql), dns server... Etc... - 
Fedora is definitively the best operating system out there. All software is out of the box, and with boxes, you can install multiple operating system into fedora. There is no reason to not use fedora over anything else.M+80
Best OS and Free of Cost. Much more uptime compared to windows. Timely Updates, proper use, no crash and Boxes help to build VM under FedoraM+60
FREE, Open-Source - Perfect Operating System.Mn
11.Windows Vista
Those who had trouble with Vista were trying to use it on inadequate hardware. I have been using Vista since its inception. It is stable and fast. Unfortunately many software vendors are neglecting Vista when making upgrades. I have used every version of Windows beginning with Windows 2.0. I have Windows 7 on my notebook but prefer Vista. Windows 8 (all versions) sucks. How can they call it Windows when the applications all run full screen?
I have Vista with Service Pack 2 and it is an awesome OS. May have sucked back in its infancy but is now an awesome, reliable, and stable OS with Service Pack 2. Just as good if not better than Windows 7 in my opinion.M+1
Well Windows Vista may be somewhat outdated, it runs good and is more user friendly then Windows 8.M+3
Piece of garbage, I believe someone was stoned when they approved this production
12. Mac OS X Leopard
I just love mac os x leopardM+26
Awesome very simple and reliable better than windows 
I like it ver
Very easy to use and it even supports adobe flash which is very nice this is the best one yet!M+12
It is easy to use. It is better than windows
13.Windows 98
Best O.S. ever, even-if it manually done process. It may not be not a friendly user O.S. like the windows 8 and window 7 but for me it is the most perfect O.S. ever created. You can do anything in window 98 manually if you have a knowledge to do it. It may not have a best graphics like the modern OS and other stuff. But still a wonderful OS if you know how to use it. And I don't usually like the “loading stuff” every time I do something (vista, 7, 8)M+14
It is the operating system that brought revolution.. Introduced cursor, graphics and the gaming system.. It is without a doubt the best operating system there is.. So my vote goes to windows 98M+21
Windows 98 is epic because it is fast. It's faster than my laptop running Windows 7. It runs Office Word well, and it can run many powerful and great games.M+17
Best operating system ever.
14.Elementary OS
Elementary OS is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu (which is in turn based on Debian). It makes use of a desktop with its own shell named Pantheon, and is deeply integrated with other elementary OS applications like Plank (a dock based on Docky), Midori (the default web browser) and Scratch (a simple text editor). This distribution uses Gala as its window manager, which is based on Mutter.M+7
Elementary is a great OS, very nice to look at and so easy to use. My wife has had it on her laptop for more than a year, it has never crashed, never locks up it "just works" and of course it is free as in beer and speech.

And of course as it's Linux and based on Ubuntu it has many thousands of free applications to do any thing your ever likely to want to do on a computer.
Well, one of the most underrated operating system on this planet. I've used all the major os like win 7,8, ubuntu, linux mint etc. but this is the only os which made me feel happy to use. AMAZING UI and graphics. Everything in this os is just so... Perfect. LOVE THIS OPERATING SYSTEM. AMAZING work by the developers.M-1
Beautifully crafted & carefully designed... Always love to use this without feeling bore at all
15.Mac OS X Lion
Most stable, powerful, and intuitive interface in the world. Smartest computer, easiest to use, and just the best around. Nothing beats good ol' Apple! - 
Its the best OS I've ever used
Tried ubuntu, red hat and all versions from microsoft
Use this you love it...M+2
How to os download
16.Mac OS X Mountain Lion
More stable, more reliable than XP, and fun too. So far the best system I have tried. I liked Snow Leopard but this is a definite upgrade. Using Mountain lion with Parallels for Windows applications is smooth as silk.M+14
I tried all of the top ten right now and mountain lion is the best, there is this bootcamp feature and you can install any operating system that you want, but you must make a second mac you can do that using disk utility. (if you want mac and the other OSM+5
It's pretty good OS. I'm using it and I don't have any problemsM+7
Best OS X ever! Yosemite sucks.
17.Google Chrome OS
Love my Chromebook and it's super fast bootup along with light weight portability. Security like no other OS on the Planet too!M+33
Hate Cloud Technology, Google Microsoft etc. are all the same... They collect all important data & are thieving, too much stupid ads to confuse & make people buy third party wares.M+4
Fast booting, easy using, auto updating, cloud storing. I love it!M+8
Awesome this is the best
18.Windows 95
Hell yes, what happened to the original windows? The start menu was the best invention ever by Microsoft and they took it away in windows 8, I mean I'm a computer tech and ill be doing something in windows 8 and hit some random key that brings up that dumb ass tile crap. I Despise windows 8, almost as much as I hate Vista and Windows Millennium EditionM+3
The first ever operating system in the Windows series to introduce a simple but very useful and working component called the Start Menu of the Windows operating system, now ridden of and put into damnation by Windows 8...M+2
Win 95 Plus version was so cool. By far, simplest and most crash resistant OS for me... (or maybe I learnt too much after that! )M+1
I agree, Windows 95 was the best.
19.Windows 10
It's fast, It's reliable, It takes full responsibility of every move you do. It is the Windows of the future, It is worth every penny you've spent to buy this because of its features, Design, Speed, Accuracy, Privacy, and Security. If you even hesitated to buy Windows 7, Just buy this OS, Who knows, Maybe in the future some programs you need are only compatible with windows 10.M+7
Awesome and best of all Windows I ever had, I used Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP, Vista, Win7, and Win8. I have to say Win10 is the best Windows right now because of awesome new features.

Win10 is like upgraded Win7 and XP.

I love Cortana thing that I don't have to open file explorer anymore. Cortana will know what you are looking for. When I want to look for something on internet and I type it in, internet browser pops up. When I want to open a file or app, I type in Cortana then file or app pops up.. You don't have to type in "internet," "file" or "app." Cortana will take you where you want to go, it is WOW!

So, I have to say Windows 10 is the best of all Windows
It’s the Windows we know, only better.

It starts up and resumes fast, has more built-in security to help keep you safe, and is designed to work with software and hardware you already have. This combines the strengths of Windows 8 with Windows 7
The best OS ever made by Microsoft after windows xp. The one problem is that it is free for upgrade.
Very stable linux. Works perfectly. Never fails. MADE IN GERMANY
Very stable linux. Works perfectly.
Super Stable, Everything under the sun always works perfectly and it is FREE! So you can not beat that, plus no Virus or Malware in the last almost 20 years I have used it. It is superior to any FREE or paid for OS I know and can be customized and never slows down.M+1
Never heard of this, must be terrible

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